Five stars for the Spitting Image reference.
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Five stars for the Spitting Image reference.
Genuinely excellent animation, good lord.
Highly reminiscent of Ren & Stimpy in a completely unhinged and very nostalgic way.
Actually in love with this. Gonna follow this for sure. One small bug - the music cut out completely after my first run.
Neat little game! Definitely gonna keep my eye on this.
What is the point of the question mark spaces? It just makes it so that you have to guess at random which isn't very fun. Without those it would be 4/5 for sure, very promising.
EDIT: I figured out what they're related to, some form of explanation of that would be appreciated so that it isn't as confusing the first time around. I'll also add though that it's still extremely luck-based whether or not you can clear the board or not.
Love the marimba/vibraphone in this one!
Love the syncopation and instrumentation in this, wonderful work as always :)
Okay wow this is sick.
Thank you!
Adventure time had a lot of neat designs (and weird ones too) but golb was a cool yet somewhat simple concept visually (I like his fat version way more than the betty one)
Sorry Curly your robo-boyfriend is a twink now.
I do Chiptune covers and some original music! Also the rare mashup or two. You can listen to my music on YouTube and you can download some of my albums for free from Bandcamp!
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Joined on 5/3/23